Available courses

Rapid Product Development (RPD) is a methodology that accelerates the design and development of new products by integrating techniques like prototyping, iterative design, and advanced manufacturing processes, ultimately leading to faster time-to-market. 

Rapid prototyping is a product development method that allows a company to develop, implement, and bring new products to market rapidly. Fast development and prototyping have been revolutionary for the prototyping industry and have many benefits to offer.




To develop a thorough understanding of the advanced finite element analysis techniques.


An ability to effectively use the tools of the analysis for solving practical problems arising in    engineering design.


To understand and solve the Finite Element 1-D structural and 2-D structural problems.


To develop and understand the dynamic problems in structures


To Gain the knowledge of FEM for heat transfer analysis and flow analysis

Vibrations are oscillations which repeats after equal interval of time in mechanical dynamic systems.

Although any system can oscillate when it is forced to do so externally, the term “vibration” in mechanical engineering is often reserved for systems that can oscillate freely without applied forces.

Sometimes these vibrations cause minor or serious performance or safety problems in engineered systems.

For instance, when an aircraft wing vibrates excessively, passengers in the aircraft become uncomfortable especially when the frequencies of vibration correspond to natural frequencies of the human body and organs.

Hence the objective of the course are

1.     To understand the Fundamentals of Vibration and its practical applications.

2.     To understand the working principle and operations of various vibration measuring instruments.

3.     To be creative problem solvers whilst dealing with machinery involving periodic phenomena.

In this course the topics are covered to fulfil the above objectives and also at the end of this course students will be able to

CO1     : Define the basic terms of vibrating system

CO2     : Illustrate and identify the basic components of vibrating system

CO3     : Formulate mathematical models of problems in vibrations using Newton's

               second law or energy principles

CO4     : Determine a complete solution to mechanical vibration problems using

              mathematical or numerical techniques

This course will introduce the general steps of finite element methods and the basic finite element formulation techniques. Using the simple finite element packages to solve the linear and dynamic problems. It helps to gain knowledge about the general purpose F.E. packages to model and analyze real mechanical structures.

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:

CO1  :  Derive equations in finite element methods for 1D, 2D and 3D problems

CO2  :  Formulate and solve basic problems in heat transfer, solid mechanics and fluid mechanics

CO3  :  Demonstrate  a  knowledge  and  understanding  of the fundamentals  of  the  finite  element  method  as  an approximation method for analysis of a variety of engineering problems. 

CO4  :  Analyze a real component using a finite element package.

Vibration is a common phenomenon occurring in a mechanical system. For example, vibration of a rotor due to unbalanced mass, vibration of a vehicle engine at varying speed. The study of a dedicated course is required to understand the fundamental and advance concepts of mechanical vibrations for engineers and designers. It introduces fundamentals of vibration, free and forced, undamped and damped vibration, vibration of single Degree of Freedom (DoF) system, 2-DoF and multi-DoF systems, theory of vibration absorbers and vibration instruments. It also explains the two categories of acoustics  namely 1. Sound. A disturbance in an elastic medium resulting in an audible sensation. Noise is by definition unwanted sound. 2. Vibration. A disturbance in a solid elastic medium which may produce a detectable motion.  In reality sound and vibration are often interrelated. That is, sound is often the result of acoustical energy radiation from vibrating structures and, sound can force structures to vibrate. 

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:


Define the basic terms of vibrating system



Illustrate and identify the basic components of vibrating system


Formulate mathematical models of problems in vibrations using Newton's second law or energy principles


Determine a complete solution to mechanical vibration problems using Mathematical or numerical techniques

Total quality management is a mana­gement’s approach towards the quality ; it can be in regard to products, customer satisfac­tion and employee’s satisfaction. Total Quality Management, as its name implies, is related to the monitoring of quality throughout the organization by everyone in that organization. 

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:

CO1 : Identify customer needs and convert those as quality index that will be used as inputs in TQM methodologies. 

CO2 : Measure the performance quality i.e. cost of poor quality, process effectiveness and efficiency to identify areas for improvement. 

CO3 : Determine the set of performance indicators that will align people with the objectives of an organization. 

TQM  is a management approach to long-term success through customer fulfilment. Each individual member of an organization involved in improving processes, products, services, and the working culture. TQM can be summarized as a administration framework for a customer-focused organization that includes all workers in nonstop advancement or continuous improvementTQM uses techniqueinformation, and compelling communications to coordinated the quality teach into the culture and exercises of the organization. TQM is significantly improving the organization efforts to achieve their goals in an effective and efficient manner and well suited to all kinds of industrial sectors.  Benefits of TQM involves Cost reduction, Improved Productivity, Improved Customer satisfaction, Reduced defects, Enhanced employee morale

At the end of this course the students will be able to 

CO1: Identify customer needs and convert those as quality index that will be used as inputs in TQM methodologies.

CO2: Measure the performance quality i.e. cost of poor quality, process effectiveness and efficiency to identify areas for improvement.

CO3: Choose a framework to evaluate the performance excellence of an organization.

CO4: Determine the set of performance indicators that will align people with the objectives of an organization.

When ever any product is designed it is mandatory to check the deformation and stresses due to the applied load. the calculation for deformation and induced stresses are simple for standard geometries but with different shape and size it is necessary to use the computer tools to design the components with software's developed to  simulate, analyze, design, and control features of different engineering applications. Finite element method was developed to analyze the physical problem by converting it into smaller elements and developing the element equations  which are the combined to apply the boundary conditions and solve it to know the reformation, stresses etc., for different loading conditions. ANSYS is one of the versatile software based on the finite element approach will help to solve the problems involving various fields. 

 In this laboratory course, upon completion the students will be able to 

CO1: Create a finite element model

CO2: Interpret complex engineering structures or machine parts by simple finite element models. 

CO3: Use software as a tool for analyzing complex engineering problems. 

CO4: Able to design, set up, and conduct engineering experiments and analyze the Results. 

Integrated product and process development combines the product design processes along with the process design process to create a new standard for producing competitive and high-quality productsThis course involve the concepts from Process planning and cost estimation, Concept of Engineering design, Industrial Management and Engineering and how they are helpful in design and development of a product.

Integration of new technologies and methods provide a complete new dimension to product design process. This process starts with defining of the requirements of products based on the customer feedback while considering the design layout and other constraints. Once the finer details are finalized, they are fed into CAD models where extensive testing and modeling are done to get the best product.

With integration of production method and technology with product design, it is natural for integration of product design and process design. Therefore, integrated product and process development can be defined as a process starting from product idea to development of final product through modern technology and process management practices while minimizing cost and maximizing efficiency.

upon completion of the course the students will be able to,


Impart knowledge on product development processes and organizations.


Identify customer needs, product planning processes and allocating resources and timing, Apply knowledge on product specifications.


Define the concept selection and measure customer response, Provide product architecture and level design issues.

In today's world nanotechnology is almost everyone's interest for research and development which is happening in laboratories all over the world.  nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale. This course introduces the basic definitions and evolution of the nanotechnology over the years. the manufacturing aspects of nano materials and   their related properties along with specific applications will be elaborated through resource materials. almost all the technology and industry sectors like information technology, homeland security, medicine, transportation, energy, food safety, and environmental science, etc., nanotechnology helps to improve their processes and products for the benefit of the society. 

Upon completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Describe the principles involved in nanotechnology
CO2: Explain methods of fabricating nanomaterilas
CO3: Describe the properties of nanomaterials 
CO4: Explain the concept behind quantum dots and nantubes 
CO5: Describe the nanomaterial applications such as nanomachines etc.

source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nanob.jpg

What is finite element analysis? the need and advantages of it. This free course, introduces the basic concepts of Finite Element methods with the formulation of  physical design problems into FEA including domain discretization, polynomial interpolation, application of boundary conditions, assembly of global arrays, and solution of the resulting algebraic systems. The procedure  applied to solve  finite  element  solutions  covered by deriving  FEA  equations  for  1D  and  2D  problems  with  different  types  of elements for solving problems with appropriate tutorials. 

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to: 

CO1  :  explain the need,concept and steps involved in FEA

CO2: perform the mathematical formulation of the finite element method and apply the same to basic (linear) ordinary and partial differential equations. 

CO3  :  develop and solve stiffness equations for 1D FEA using bar, truss and beam elements. 

CO4  :  develop and solve stiffness equations for 2D FEA using CST and other plane elements.  

CO5  :  implement the finite element method efficiently in order to solve simple structural problems 

CO6  :  solve the basic 1D and 2D heat transfer and fluid flow problems.